
Thursday, April 9, 2009

The End


Stacy announced on Saturday that this will be the last week of Theme Thursday. I will definitely miss the weekly challenge, but I understand the time it takes to organize it each week. I thought the shot above was fitting for the theme this week, which is The End. When you look at the monkey bars you can't necessarily see the end, but you know it is there. Maybe it's not the end you see at all, but the beginning.

Thanks Stacy. You always inspire me.


Stacy said...

Love this Jen! Great interpretation of the theme. Thanks so much for participating. :)

Megan said...

what great perspective! it's amazing the shots we come up with hanging around the park, eh? btw: i "may" be taking over theme thursday...:)

Dawn said...

Cool shot!

I think I only particpated once but I loved seeing what everyone else did!


Unknown said...

oh, that is awesome! perfect shot, jen!

Killlashandra said...

Your perspective is excellent. And I agree, endings lead to beginnings. :) Great shot.

iMother2.0 said...

Will miss miss miss Theme Thursday.

Loving your take on The End. Fabulous perspective and just cool over all image :)

Jaimee said...

I love, love the perspective on this and wonderful words to go with it!

Christina said...

It is sad to see the end of an era - even if I haven't been participating as much lately!! Lovely image and thoughts, Jen!

jamestownboys said...

Very clever shot!!!

Amy Jo said...

Great idea! There are so many cool shots to be had at the playground. I think it fits the theme well.

Arizaphale said...

Very tasty interpretation!

Joanna said...

Perfect image for this post Jen. Love the perspective.

Suz Broughton said...

Oh, I LOVE this shot.

Cara said...

I love the perspective on this, like you said you can't see the end but you know it is there.

Maggie said...

This might be one of my favorite shots of yours ever -- it's awesome!


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