
Monday, October 12, 2009

Walk for the Cure


My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer back in June. She had the lump removed. Although the cancer and effected lymph nodes were removed she was still at risk for it coming back. So she has been undergoing chemotherapy. After she finishes the chemo, she will have several weeks of radiation. She has been so positive and strong during this whole process. I am so proud of you, Mom. On Saturday we walked to celebrate her.
My little diva in her element.


She looks like she knows what she is doing, huh?


Oh my.....the eyes, the chocolate doughnut crumbs, the tiny pink feather in his hair, it's all too much for me.


He is funny too.


Little Miss B dressed all in pink for the occasion.


Oh.... another doughnut crumb. Those messy faces and perfect eyes get me every time.


Harper and Miller's cousins. I love that they are friends. I know I say this all the time, but I am truly grateful to be close to our families. It is such a blessing.


Wings to represent Alice's Angels, which was our team name.


Although this photo is blurry, I still love it. These two were moving so fast not one of the shots I took turned out. They are going to be trouble together.


What a perfect way to spend the day.

I love you Mom.



You got some great shots of a wonderful time! We had a blast walking and tailgating with you guys !

Kimberly said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. Love the boa that Haper was sporting! Praying that your Mom has a full recovery.

Unknown said...

My mom is getting ready to celebrate her 10-year anniversary of being cancer-free next year. I remember the surgery to remove the lump and the rounds of radiation like it was yesterday, but am thankful everyday that she beat it and is around to enjoy her grandchildren.

I think that 'Alice's Angels' is one kick-butt team! And the pink! I love it. She is sure to come through with flying colors with a team like that on her side!

(BTW - have you seen all the NFL players this month by any chance? A lot of them are wearing something pink for BCAwareness month. I love the pink bills on the hats and the cleats! So cool.)

Christina said...

You guys are one kick-butt team! LOVE this, and I can't wait to hear that your mom is in the clear. Go Alice's Angels!

Stacy said...

So sorry to hear that your mom is going through breast cancer. It sounds like she is doing a great job, and she definitely has a wonderful team to fall back on for additional strength. My mother-in-law had it many years ago, too, and she is still going strong!

Wonderful shots from the day and for such a good cause. The kids are totally adorable. Those feather boas look like they were a hit! Love Harper vogue-ing it. :)

Jaimee said...

So sorry to hear about your mom! I'm glad it sounds like it is under awesome that you all did the walk together!

Vicky said...

Hi, I just followed a link from Carrie's blog and read this post. Like your mom, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June only I am doing chemo first, then a double mastectomy, radiation and then rebuild. Anyway, please send my blessings to your mom and bless you for doing the walk. It's amazing how much things like this touch me now.



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