
Monday, March 29, 2010

Goodies Galore

It was not intentional, but I guess the theme for this week is pink and green. I made another t-shirt dress for Harper using a thrifted shirt that says " Some bunny loves you." The green t-shirt was one of mine.


The second dress or tunic I made was modeled after one of Harper's favorite tops from last year. I took a tank top from Old Navy, cut the bottom part off, and used one of my old t-shirts as the dress. I just cut it off under the arms. I cut a piece of elastic the size of Harper's waist. Then I put the pieces right sides together and pinned the elastic around both pieces. Then sewed over the elastic attaching the pieces together and gathering as I went. Makes sense, right?

I made these capri leggings out of another t-shirt, but they are way too small. I am not really sure what I was thinking. I might try to cut them off and make them shorts, but I think they may still be too short in the crotch. They would have been cute with the outfit if they had actually fit.


Not keeping with the pink and green theme, I finally made myself a lickety split bag. I have had this fabric since October. So it only took 6 months to get around to making it. I made the purse last night and it took me less than 2 hours. I really love these bags. I decided not to interface it and I was afraid it would be too flimsy, but it is actually the perfect weight . It also holds a ton of stuff.

Lickety Split Bag for Me

The last thing I have today is a pdf of two Easter cards I made for the kids to color for their teachers. It is not anything special. I used free clipart. I printed them on recycled card stock that I have on hand. I thought they turned out cute and the kids especially Harper love coloring these cards. I definitely plan on making more of these to have on hand.

Easter Cards

Happy Crafty Tuesday everyone.


Stacy said...

Wow, you got a lot of stuff done! Really cute reconned clothes for Harper. That's too bad those capri's didn't work out. Next time, right??

That bag is really cute, too! I really like the fabric you chose for it.

Unknown said...

I love that tank dress! Super sweet. I need to do that with some "old" clothes of the girls, too.

And your bag is so awesome! I think that fabric is perfect. I may have to make one (or two, or three!) of those!

Kimberly said...

Love the dresses! The purse is super cute too. I bet it feels good making something for yourself and your family.

Cheryl said...

So I am now searching for old t-shirts to make into dresses for my daughter. Have I mentioned that I have no sewing machine? Do you think that I could use some of that stitch witchery stuff or fabric glue?

Christina said...

ooooh, that second dress - LOVE! I also love it that I'm getting enough of an understanding of sewing now to make sense of your explainations. :o) That bag is getting added to my list, too.

La Mama Naturale' said...

You are so creative. What cute dresses. I've pulled out the sewing machine recently and am so inspired to just sew away... I'm currently working on a few birthday projects. Too fun. Love the lickety spilt bag too!


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