
Friday, September 17, 2010

Decision, Decisions, Decisions

Yes, this is really what my workspace looks like when I am working on an order.

After months and months of mulling it over I finally decided to stop taking wholesale and custom orders. It was a very hard decision to make, but one that just couldn't be avoided any longer. I notified my biggest customer last week about my decision, so it's official.

My plan is to use up my supply of materials for personal projects, gifts or my etsy shop, which I have not updated in a very long time. I want the freedom to make what I want to make when I want to make it. I am really excited about letting my creative juices flow (or not).
I still have one large order to finish (see photo above). Then I am free. Oh, the possibilities!!


Joanna said...

Its funny how our goals change over time. I can remember you being so excited that you were getting all of these order. But I can totally imagine how it is taking a toll on you creativly and time wise. I am glad that you made a decision that makes you happy. I find being creative frees such a wonderful part inside all of us and if thats what you need to be happy, then good for you!!

I cant wait to see what your creative juices will produce now that you are free! :0)

Corey~living and loving said...

good for you! take back the love of the creation. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah! I hope you get your mojo back. I bought a birthday gift over the weekend and it was a strangely liberating feeling to know that I didn't have a "birthday gift to make" hanging over my head. Definitely want to make and create for the right reasons...otherwise it is just a job, right?

I hope the poor, faceless owls get some beaks and eyes though...they are looking good! :-0

Christina said...

Good for you, Jen! The success you've had is awesome and shows how much talent you have, but it's just now worth an investment that takes away from YOU and YOUR joy and YOUR family! you should be proud of that decision. :o)

Stacy said...

Doing something creative as a job is really hard. It stops being the fun that it USED to be when it was just something to make during your free time. I totally understand your decision...been there, too.

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