
Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Well, apparently blogging isn't at the top of my priority list right now, so I thought I would do a post with some of the things that seem to be taking priority.

body revolution
I decided about 2 months ago that I needed to really get in shape.  I had fallen out of a good routine and I needed structure.  I had some good success with the 30 Day Shed, so I decided to splurge on Body Revolution.  You work out 6 days a week for 90 days.  Every 2 weeks you get new workouts, so there is tons of variety. You alternate between front of the body, back of the body, and cardio workouts.  I haven't really lost much weight, but I can definitely tell that I am much more toned.  I think I am the strongest I have ever been.  I am a little more than half way through the program, but I think I will continue to do the workouts even after my 90 days is over.
After completing my first month of Body Revolution and not losing any weight, I knew I needed to start tracking my calories.  This app is so easy to use.  It is definitely the best one I have ever used.


I also purchased a Fit Bit to help me keep track of how active I am and the calories I am burning.  It's like a super duper pedometer. I am obsessed with this little guy.  I think it has definitely made me more aware of how much I don't move around during the day (especially at work).  I find myself parking further away or walking around just to get in more steps.  It even has a feature to help you track your sleep. 


There are so many easy, healthy recipes in this book.  I haven't tried a recipe yet that hasn't been a hit.

I am all about getting dinner on the table in 30 minutes, so this cookbook has been perfect lately.  I find myself using this all the time.  The banana bread recipe is so good. 
So there you have it.  That's what I have been up to lately. 


Unknown said...

excellent. i loved the 30-day shred with jillian, i may have to try this revolution!!

and so need to get on myfitnesspal. i just haven't found a great app yet...but i need to track what i put in! that is clearly the struggle in the equation with me.

i'm glad you are still hanging in...and checking in, too!

Stacy said...

Everything goes to a standstill for me when I am focusing on exercise, too. Obviously, that hasn't happened for me lately. ;) I am getting back into it, though. I gained several pounds over the winter and they need to come off. I think I need a food tracker, too. My issue with most of them are that they are mostly for processed foods where you enter calories from a package. They are a pain when you cook from scratch.

Maggie said...

Tell me more...I have been wondering about the fitbit and about Jillian Michaels...I have got to do something, because I am not doing well at making myself go to the gym...

Corey~living and loving said...

Man....while you've been pumping up...I'm been slobbing down. ick....I'm just depressingly out of shape.


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