
Monday, September 13, 2010

Gettin' Into A Groove

We are a month into first grade and so far so good. We have settled into our school routine. This year has been much easier on all of us. Harper has finally decided to like reading. She has a wonderful teacher that really has motivated her. We have to keep track of the number of minutes she reads each day. There is a friendly competition between all the first grade classes to see which class reads the most minutes at the end of the year. Harper is very competitive so this has really made her want to read.


Most of the time when I look at her, I can't believe how grown up she has become.
Then I see photos like the one above and realize she is still so little. I mean just look at those
chubby cheeks.

She still has her very own unique sense of style. I have learned to embrace it. She is starting to become more aware of what people think of her though, which does impact some of her decisions. It does make me sad to see her self confidence waiver, but I know it is part of growing up. For now we are just taking it one day at a time.

I sure do love you Harper!!


Kimberly said...

I love that first photo! And yay on the reading progress!!!

MGF said...

Reading has been hard on us. I hope this year brings some of ours to enjoy it.

Unknown said...

i dunno know, jen. she looks all grown up in most of the shots lately! i'm glad she is discovering reading!

Joanna said...

I love this post because I know exactly how you feel. Its like they are stuck in the middle of becoming thier own person, yet we cant let go of the beautiful baby we will always see in thier faces. No one ever said it was going to be easy..... :0)

So glad she has taken to reading. I didnt enjoy it until I was almost 30 years old.....not so long ago!

Cara said...

She has the prettiest eyes! I hope she hangs on to her own sense of style, I love it!

Christina said...

Good golly is she a gorgeous girl or what?! It's amazing to see them come into their own. I see it in Nadia too...sometimes seeming so very grown up, sometimes so very small. And OH YEAH with the unique sense of style!


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