
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting Back to My Green Roots

Reading Tracey's post yesterday about having intentions rather than making resolutions really inspired me. I already posted some resolutions, but have had I will now call them intentions rolling around in my head. The first big thing that I would like to focus on is posting something "green" at least once a week. I feel like I accomplished so much last year and I want to continue to share my journey with you.

As a recap (mostly for myself) here's what we did to be greener last year:

1. Started using reusable grocery bags at the store.
2. Stopped buying bottled water.
3. Reduced the number of Ziploc bags we use.
4. Installed a low flow shower head.
5. Started turning the thermostat up or down during the day when we are not at home to save energy.
6. Used a rain barrel to water the plants this summer.
7. Grew an herb garden and planted two blueberry bushes.
8. Started making our own yogurt.
9. Started unplugging appliances (coffee maker, toaster, computer) when not in use.
10. Replaced our light bulbs with CFLs.
11. Took shorter showers.
12. Started eating more organic foods, milk, and mostly fresh fruits and vegetables.
13. Reduced the amount of new clothing items purchased.
14. Switched to safer and more environmentally friendly health and beauty products.
15. We no longer use paper towels or napkins. We use cloth instead.

I am sure there are things that I forgot, but it is a pretty good summary.

Here are some of my green intentions for 2009:
1. Bake my own bread.
2. Build a compost bin.
3. Grow a bigger garden.
4. Have one green post a week.
5. Continue building my Etsy business.
6. Focus on reducing and reusing.
7. Plug the TV, DVD player, Wii, etc into a power strip and turn it off when not in use.
8. Be more aware of where my food is coming from and try to eat more local food.

I am sure this list will grow, but that is what I have for now. And since I can't have a post without a few photos, here's a cute little owl I made last week. The front is made from felted sweaters and the back is a vintage sheet. I had to sneak the owl out of Harper's room because she decided that it was hers. The owl is now listed in the shop. Shhhh. Don't tell Harper.



Here's a wrist cuff I made too.


Does anyone else have any green intentions for the New Year?


Anonymous said...

That is a fantastic list. I honestly think that the more you do it the more second nature it becomes.

What an adorable owl, too.

Dawn said...

We are trying to do one green change a month...this month it's to buy water bottles that we will use and that are BPA free. We already use cloth napkins, less plastic, eat as much organic as possible. Next month my goal is to bake more of my own bread too...I could use some good recipes.(please post any you have!)


L~ said...

I have a little site for you to look at -

you might find it interesting!

many a path is laid by good intentions! good luck on yours :)

enjoying your photography!


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