
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Theme Thursday-Restful

Lately, life has seemed far from restful. So trying to find photos that fit this description was rather challenging to me. I have not picked up my camera since Monday and there were no restful shots from this weekend. I had not choice but to look through some older (within the last month) photos. This is all I could conjure up. I chose some photos that make me feel more at peace. Photos that make me glad that sometimes I make time to stop and smell the roses.


hummingbird 1


Check to see if anyone else was restful over at The Land of K.A.


Killlashandra said...

Life has been way less than restful I completely agree!

Although your quote sums it up nicely. Sometimes you really have to find a way to dedicate a little time to yourself and hopefully the restful part will come along too. :)

Christina said...

I think you did beautifully with the theme! That quote is perfection.

Maggie said...

I think that you did such a perfect job for this week - such peaceful images. And like Christina said, that quote is perfect!

Stacy said...

Wonderful job in selecting peaceful shots...they are definitely evoking some restful moments. :) Hope things calm down a bit for you, too.

Head Gaggler said...

Nice shots...what a great idea. Things have been hectic at my house too.

Anonymous said...

Hey, peace=rest for me. Lovely.

Megan said...

very restful. those are calming just looking at them.

Unknown said...

and a very good reminder for all of us to stop, relax and find some peace!

beautiful shots today - wishing you some rest this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lovely plaque with great words to live by. Hopefully we can all find that "place" to be still and peaceful.

Rose said...

A wonderful post! I know how you feel. There hasn't been too many restful times around here either. And it's gonna get worse before it gets better! (for me)


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