
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arbor Day Celebration

On Saturday, we did what any normal tree huggin' family would do. We went to the local park to celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day. There was a zip line, which Harper was very excited to try out. She has been begging my husband to put a zip line in the backyard. She is crazy I tell ya. Already an adrenaline junky and only 5.

Here she is on the way up. Eventhough she acts mighty brave, this one made her a little nervous. You can tell she is holding on for dear life.


Almost there.


And there she goes.


The first thing she said when she ran over to us after she was finished was , "I want to do it again." Luckily the line was getting long so we could use that as an excuse. There is only so much I can take.

Miller on the other hand was excited about the fire truck, which is much more speed.


As I was snapping photos this fireman tapped me on the shoulder. He asked me if I ever get my photo taken. I said, "no not very oftern." He said, "Is that your husband right there?" I replied "Yes". He said, "Hand him the camera." I did not know what this guy was going to do. He then walked me through putting on the fireman gear. Fun stuff.


These two were crackin' me up with their dancing. Too, too cute.


What can you say about this sweet face? I just want to gobble her up.



Kimberly said...

I have to say that I think YOU'RE braver than Miss Harper b/c I don't know if I would have been able to let Violet do that ;)

Unknown said...

Go Harper! Yeah...I love doing that kind of stuff...but when you are standing watching your kid, it is way harder!

I LOVE that you got to be a fireman for a few minutes - and in a photo!!

Dawn said...

Wow, that is HIGH!! My big girl is brave like that too, ever since she was little...I don't think it goes away!

So happy to see you in a pic, good reminder for myself to hand over the camera...even though I'd much rather be behind it! :)

PS-Love the new header...very cool!

Christina said...

Yikes, that Harper is crazy brave!!! I'm nervous sitting here at a computer watching her...don't know how you didn't have a heart attack.

Firegal Jen is awesome! How great to get to do that and actually have in on camera!

Run Lori Run said...

Thats one crazy Harper!


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