
Monday, September 28, 2009

The Neglected Garden

I have not written much about my garden lately. After all the planning and preparation, the vegetable garden was a bit of a disappointment. The squash plants produced some squash, but I think I planted them too close together and they ended up wilting away. My corn, spinach, and strawberry plants were eaten by rabbits. The pole beans grew like crazy and even survived the rabbits, but I should have thinned them out early on. We have been eating the beans, but they are very stringy and a little tough. The grape and cherry tomatoes have been the biggest success. It has been raining non stop for the last several weeks so they are a little water logged now. We also have a watermelon plant that has taken off, but I see no signs of watermelon. Right now my little garden looks very neglected.


I put more energy into the vegetables this year so the herb garden was REALLY neglected. Last year I froze a bunch of herbs and never used them. So this year I used the herbs as I needed them and did not worry about harvesting anything. I used every bit of cilantro that I planted so I know to plant more of that next year for sure. I have some seeds leftover so I am going to try to do a little herb garden inside so I have some fresh herbs for the winter months. Here's a photo of some mint that is now flowering.


The sun was out yesterday and there was a little chill in the air, which made it finally feel like fall. I took advantage of the nice weather and walked around the yard so I could snap some pictures. We have a lot of work to do. Always seems like that, doesn't it?


Happy Monday everyone.


Stacy said...

Oh, you didn't use your frozen herbs? I used pretty much all of mine up...mostly when I was doing spagetti sauce.

I hear ya on the neglected garden. I got three peppers from my pepper plants, my big tomato plants did awful, but the cherry and grape were big successes. There's always next year, right?? ;)

Dawn said...

Love the shot of the tomatoes...yum! We will hopefully be in an area that has a nice sized yard next year and I can't wait to garden!!

Happy Monday to you too!

Unknown said...

Work is never done. Ever. :-) But that mint is really pretty! Do you have yours in a pot or does it kind of take over everywhere?

Run Lori Run said...

You know, I love the idea of growing herbs but I never use them either. And I did the same thing with my squash. I bought too many plants and, instead of throwing some out or giving them away, I crammed them all into one 4X8 bed and they are not happy right about now. Oh, well, I learn each year. Have a good week!

Joanna said...

I didnt know mint flowered! Bravo for even having a garden. Doesnt it take a couple of years for everything to flourish anyways? Dont be disappointed....Now you have a better base for next year.

Jaimee said...

I'm just amazed that you even have a garden of any kind (i kill everything)! I can definitely see how an herb garden would be awesome though, fresh cilantro in your backyard? YUMMMMM!


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