
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Practicing Yoga at Home

I am still very much a beginner when it comes to practicing yoga, but I thought I would share some great resources I have collected for practicing yoga at home. I have taken a handful of classes in a studio, which I love. However, at this stage in my life it is much more convenient for me to do yoga at home.


Online Video Classes They have tons of audio and video classes for free. The free classes are only 20 minutes long, but you can mix and match them for a longer workout. You can also purchase longer workouts or buy a subscription, which is much cheaper than going to class. I just use the free classes though. I usually watch them on my computer.

Yoga Journal's 21 Day Yoga Challenge- I have done several of these classes and really enjoyed them.

Shiva Rea Daily Energy- This DVD is awesome. It is what really got me addicted to yoga. It is calming, but also challenging. It is also perfect for beginners.

Yoga Meltdown- This is Jillian Michael's ramped up version of yoga. It is a really good workout, but lacks the zen of a more traditional yoga class.

On Demand
I know this is going to vary depending on your cable company, but there are tons of workouts (not just yoga) available On Demand. Under Exercise TV there are several different categories to choose from. I have really enjoyed the classes by Yogaworks. You can also find a bunch of Jillian Michaels videos. This is my favorite option when I am burnt out on my regular workout routine. It is always nice to change it up.

I just recently fell in love with Sarah Baumert's audio podcasts. If you have done yoga before and don't need to see the visuals, her podcasts are amazing. She is really easy to follow and her voice is so calm and soothing.


Unknown said...

thanks! i was just telling a friend of mine that i need to get back into yoga classes, but i really don't! i just need to grab my mat and some quiet floorspace!

Run Lori Run said...

thanks for the links. I just had to stop going to my yoga studio (too expensive) so the free online classes might work for me...

Stacy said...

Thanks for sharing, Jen! I really want to give yoga a try. I did one free class at one time, and it was so relaxing. I would rather do things at home, since that is all the time I seem to have. I will have to give your links a shot. :)

sachin seghal said...

Yoga is not for asanas although yoga is more then that. Yoga is for self awareness.


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