
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is It Already Crafty Tuesday?

I am not showing one coffee cozy this week. Yippeee. Not because I didn't make any. Because I am tired of talking about them and I am sure you are tired of hearing about them. So there. Glad I got that off my chest.

This week I finished up the plush owl ornaments I had half done last week. I also made one of the other ornaments that I have been working on for weeks now. I have them all cut. I just need to find time to finish them. I should have these guys up in the shop by the end of the day.





My latest obsession has been these cardboard dolls. I have been brainstorming and brainstorming of a way to put it all together. I thought they would make great stocking stuffers and want to be able to customize the name on the front. I am not quite there yet but this is what I have so far.





On Saturday afternoon instead of working on all the other stuff I need to finish I decided to make scarves and a headband. I became possessed I swear and there was nothing stopping me.


Doesn't Harper look absolutely thrilled with her new scarf? The scarf is made from a knit material from my stash. I wanted to make something lightweight and comfy. The flowers are made from one of Harper's old shirts and a pair of leggings.


I also made myself a scarf from an old t-shirt. I have a tutorial that I will have up tomorrow. (Hopefully)


Then I made myself a headband out of an old t-shirt. After all you can never have too many headbands, right.


Stacy said...

So much great stuff from you today! Those cardboard dolls are SO CUTE. I love them! Of course the owl stuffie ornaments are super adorable. LOL about Harpers face with her new scarf! I have one just like that of Anya in her new knit hat I made, but I haven't posted that loveliness. ;)

Green Bean said...

Love the cardboard dolls. Too clever. I'm so into stuff made directly from old cereal boxes and such. And the owls, as usual, too cute.

Unknown said...

I just had a vision of an entire Christmas tree in white lights with nothing but sweet handmade bird (or owl) ornaments. Sigh. That would be lovely! I love those ornaments.

But the cardboard dolls?? Seriously cute. How fun are those?

Addie just asked me if I'd make her a "scirf" - it took me awhile to figure out that she wanted a scarf, and those lightweight ones would be perfect for her! I'll look for the tutorial. Thanks, Jen! :-)

(btw - never tired of coffee cozys!)

Dawn said...

LOL, Harper lurves her scarf eh??

The lil owls are so stinkin cute and the cardboard dolls, genius!!

I need to work on the kids scarves I started last week and thx so much for the help with the felting, the projects came out great....perhaps I will post with a warning to my family to not peek!


Christina said...

even more cute stuff this week! You are getting so diversified with so many different types of products. the cardboard dolls are totally adorable. And the mini own ornaments - eeeee!

Anonymous said...

Wow I love your owl ornaments. You are so creative. I just found your blog and plan to follow. Thanks for the inspiration.


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