
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Shoe Fail

I am not sure how it happened, but I became obsessed with making my own shoes. I saw the patterns from Shoeology and could not stop thinking about them. Finally I broke down and bought the pattern. The first pair were in process for a couple of weeks. Then I finished one shoe. The other sat there for another week or so before I decided to actually finish it. They were too big so I kept trying to make adjustments. It just ended up all wrong. So I cut out another pair and tried again. I found this extra large wool skirt at Goodwill so I still had plenty of fabric. The first shoe looked ok, but the second shoe just never looked right. I tried adding some insoles from an old pair of tennis shoes, which helped but they are still not right. I may give it one more go, but I think I need to do something else first. I am tired of shoes.



I hope everyone else has a happier Crafty Tuesday.


Patrizia said...

I think they are adorable ;) I give you credit, no way would I even attempt this! I like them! :D

Jessie said...

Wow! I am like that too when I see something I want to do. I think that they are cute :)

Stacy said...

Well, they look cute! That is too bad they don't fit right, though. So frustrating when you spend so much time on them.

julee said...

Um....I didn't even know you could make your own shoes!
gosh, I love the internet...I learn stuff. haha

They are SO cute. Good for you trying to learn a new skill. No one is perfect on the 1st or 2nd try.

If you makes you happy....march on....
If it doesn't check out the's got lots of ideas ;)

Christina said...

you tried to make SHOES! Even if it didn't quite work out, you get huge props for being so adventerous. And I think the look adorable, too!

Unknown said...

*bowing* - i am not worthy. holy crap, girl. SHOES!!?? i wish they had worked out because they are so darn cute!!

hipMomma-MelodyA. said...

I'm sorta laughing because most of us can't make a fraction of what you dish out and you finally find something you can't do. We still pat you on the back for a job well done. I just love the colors.

Kimberly said...

Oh man! They're adorable. I made Raya a pair of baby shoes once. It took for.stinkin.ever to complete the pair, they were uncomfortable and she never would wear them. LOL! Shoes are HARD!


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